
Super Job als Robot Programmer / PLC Programmer (m/f/d)

  • offerdetail
  • loc_1127
  • Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt
  • Vollzeit
  • JobID: 1127
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Benefits im Job als PLC Programmer FANUC and/or SPS (m/f/d)

  • Performance-linked wages
  • Christmas bonus
  • Flexible work time
  • Company pension scheme
  • Kindergarten subsidy
  • Free workwear
  • Permanent professional continuing education
  • Very open-minded team
  • Technical equipment of Apple, e.g. mobile phone, notebook computer to the private use
  • Support with the search for accommodation
  • Support with the school and kindergarten search
  • Family- friendly company
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  • How do the employees get along with each other?

    • The employees are cooperative and handle friendly with each other. They help and encourage with each other. There is always the possibility to ask questions and to suggest ideas for improvement. They keep open the ears for you.
  • How is the mood in the enterprise?

    • It is a very open-minded team. Someone always makes a joke and they are looking forward to your support.
  • Where do we have breakfast and lunch?

    • You can enjoy your meal in the company restaurant. If you are on a business trip, you can enjoy your meal at the hotel.
  • What does one get for the birthday?

    • The manager congratulates personally or calls you. This is very important to him.
  • Does company celebrations or company outings take place?

    • Yes, they take place. There is the christmas celebration, e.g. play bowling. There takes a summer party place, where you can play paintball or drive armor or have a nice trip on a raft. The partners are included with and you will have a very good dinner. It will be a very nice party with good mood.
  • How does the cooperation occur?

    • You work independent and have your own responsibility. To the support an experienced colleague or the manager stands to you at the possession.
  • How is the enterprise hierarchy formed?

    • There is shallow hierarchy. Your direct contact partner and authorizing officer is the manager.
  • When does your daily work time begin?

    • You have a flexible work time and trust-based working hours. It depends on your projects.
  • How does the introductory training occur?

    • After you got to know all colleagues at the office and your new colleagues of the programmer team, they show you all facilities. Maybe you will get a certification training. This depends on your qualification. If you have all certifications, which are necessary, you can start with an experienced colleague to work on a project. You discuss all specifics, termination, and coordination of the project. The vocational adjustment occurs with a mentor, to assure you understand all internal processes and parallel operations. Step by step you will get your own responsibilities until you are able to manage a project on your own. With graduates the training occurs individually. You will be involved in the operational procedures and in the project monitoring. For the first time you will be involved to subprojects.

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Das sagt ein Kollege.

„I like it to work independently and to develop my own ideas. I worship my duties and responsibilities and the different, interesting projects of my job. The business trips to diverse countries, e.g. Netherlands, Great Britain, China, South Africa or Spain, I really enjoy. In these countries we have important clients. I gain a lot of experience, which I can use for my next project. What concerns technology, I am always up-to-date. “

So sieht ein typischer Arbeitstag aus.

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Details zum einstellenden Unternehmen

  • Sitz: Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt
  • Unternehmensart: GmbH
  • Anstellung: Vollzeit
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In 30 Sekunden erledigt - Ohne Anschreiben und ohne Lebenslauf.

Fachwissen & Fertigkeiten

  • Education as electronics engineer with focus on automation or equivalent profession, e.g. electro-mechanical technician
  • Bachelor’s degree in a controls related field (Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or equivalent)
  • Work experience, e.g. Kuka robotics, PLC/ SPC, ABB industrial robots, ADAPT and visualization programming of Siemens, Phoenix, Contact, Wicc – this expertise is desirable
  • Knowledge of languages:
    • good command on English, fluent in spoken and written
    • Polish, Russian, Spanish are desirable
  • You are willing to work temporarily at the weekend or for shift work. This depends on the project.
  • Willingness to travel
  • adventuresomeness
  • You need serendipity and creativity
  • You need a driver’s License
  • Professional experience is desirable
Ergänzende Kenntnis
  • Problem- solving skills - identify any problem’s source and create the best solution
  • Very good communication with the employees, e.g. with engine driver or operator on the spot
  • You are able arguing behavior-related and not individual-related

Tätigkeiten & Aufgaben

  • Programming of robot control in coordination with SPC/ PLC appropriate to the guidelines of the client
  • If it is necessary, you will code and improve the operational procedure
  • Project planning and software development for SPC/ PLC including visualization, e.g. Siemens, Phoenix Contact or WinCC
  • Development of concepts for automation
  • Change of programming of SPC/PLC, Fanuc, e.g. robot and machine programming
  • Professional documentation of own software and of your procedures
  • Implementation, startup and commissioning of machine software
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